Coyote Management

Coyotes are an essential part of the ecosystem, but can cause irreparable damage to the homesteadt. They notoriously go after cats, small dogs , as well livestock causing significant financial harm.

North-Eastern Coyote

Larger than their Western counter-parts, North-Easter Coyotes are mixed with Canadian Grey wolves making them larger than other coyotes in the country. This makes them more aggressive towards smaller prey in the area.

The only real way to control the coyote population in an area is through harassment or by reducing the population by firearm.

Making your presence known

Making a scene at the coyote den can move them out of the area. Destroying the den, marking with urine, or yelling at the coyotes will move them from a territory and make them wary of humans, decreasing the chance of a poor encounter.

Hunting services are another way of dealing with aggressive coyote, if they are attacking humans or supervised animals. They can be taken day or night in Massachusetts, just by different firearms in this state. 

Call today for a quote for your problem coyotes 978-798-8097